Friday, February 11, 2011

Cyber Intelligence - The Investigation of Wikileaks and Julian Assange

Introducing the Software "Palantir Government 3.0" used by the US-Government, FBI and Military. See how they work!

Firefox Adon Firessheep to hack users Facebook and Twitter accounts

Firesheep is a new Firefox plugin that makes it easy for you to hijack other people's social network connections. Firesheep is available for download at

Many sites on the web offer some limited support for encryption over HTTPS, but make it difficult to use. For instance, they may default to unencrypted HTTP, or fill encrypted pages with links that go back to the unencrypted site.

The HTTPS Everywhere extension fixes these problems by rewriting all requests to these sites to HTTPS. Firefox users please visit the link of the Electronic Frontier Foundation

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Tapping a cell phone

Tapping your cell phone is easy with the Flexi Spy Software The sale of the software is legal but it is illegal to use the software. But it is almost impossible for law enforcement agency's to trace you back.

Read this warning message on the bottom of the Flexispy website before installation!

It is the responsibility of the user of FlexiSPY to ascertain, and obey, all applicable laws in their country in regard to the use of FlexiSPY for "sneaky purposes". If you are in doubt, consult your local attorney before using FlexiSPY. By downloading and installing FlexiSPY, you represent that FlexiSPY will be used in only a lawful manner. | Logging other people's SMS messages & other phone activity or installing FlexiSPY on another person's phone without their knowledge can be considered as an illegal activity in your country. | FlexiSPY assumes no liability and is not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by our FlexiSPY. It's final user's responsibility to obey all laws in their country. By purchasing & downloading FlexiSPY, you hereby agree to the above.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Baby Phone can be used to spy on you

A baby phone can be use full to spy on other installed cameras in your neighbourhood.
Just take the phone with you and walk down the sidewalk with the activated scanner. Soon as you got contact, you see everything on the baby phone screen.
Many CV Cameras are unsecured and this way you get easy access.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

United Nations Makes Move to Control the Internet

The United Nations has made a move to staff a working group on, now get this title: Internet Governance Forum. Just by the title alone, any reader of this blog should know this is an obvious attempt to control the flow of information and watch every move made those on cyberspace.
This is dangerous stuff and the speed at which this movement is growing, is gaining ground on a daily basis. The United States has recently jumped on the band wagon of controlling the internet with the recent passage of Net Neutrality by the FCC.
Remain vigilant in your research and spread the word about the move to have the internet controlled by government. Remember, governments HATE free speech and they don’t want their citizens to have any ability to speak out on a platform that can have real change.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Invasion Of Your Privacy Is In Progress

Internet crime is one of the fastest and most profitable crimes on the market. Over 90% of Fraud, ID Theft, and Scams now start on the Internet. One method that internet criminals and hackers use to obtain personal and financial information is software that track and record every move you make on the computer.

This information includes the words that you type, the pages you visit, and even the data from contained on your hard drive. The data is transferred from your computer to the criminal's hard drive. 

In order to increase our awareness of this issue we must consider the technology that is currently available. We must also look at who is using it and for what reasons the privacy invader is invading ones privacy.

Governments, companies, and criminals store and track your information via the internet. This is done for several reasons. The government may claim that it is for the protection of the people and to help stop terrorism. The truth to the matter is that all information is tracked for two reasons. Money and Power!

Microsoft has programs within the Vista and XP operating systems that are integrated within the operating system. The Key Mon is one example. It tracks virtually everything that is typed on your keyboard! Many smart computer users have discovered how to delete this program from the system registry. 

Hackers and internet criminals often create similar programs. They then attempt to install them on the victim's computer simply by using a link or a visited website. This information they obtain is then used for identity theft, blackmail, and many other devious tasks.

The government also uses programs and the recorded information to "look for terrorist activity." The tracked data is mined by robots that search user activity over the internet. We will not get into the subject of the governments rights to invade ones privacy. It is way beyond the discussion of this article. 

Companies track your personal and financial information for two key reasons. First of all, companies can store your information and legally sell it to other companies for the purposes of marketing, advertising, or investigation. Unfortunately some of the largest consumer data companies have stored financial data for nearly every citizen in the US. Hackers have made several attempts to access this information for financial fraud. They have made one such successful attempt where they acquired over 200,000 social security numbers. 

In order to learn how to stop this invasion of our privacy, we must first understand what it can do and how it works. We must understand the motives for this privacy invasion. We must also keep in mind that there are very few laws to protect our privacy over the internet!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Facebook Tracks and Traces Everyone

Numerous websites have implemented the Facebook Like button to let Facebook members share their interests, therewith promoting websites or news items. It is, thus, an important business tool for content providers. However, this article shows that the tool is also used to place cookies on the user’s computer, regardless whether a user actually uses the button when visiting a website. As an alternative business model this allows Facebook to track and trace users and to process their data. It appears that non-Facebook members can also be traced via the Like button. This means that Facebook’s tentacles reach far beyond their own platform and members. Due to the extensive web coverage with Like buttons, Facebook has a potential connection with all web users. Web activity can be linked to individual accounts or a separate data set can be created for individuals who are not (yet) a Facebook member. The hidden collection of data on browsing behavior and the creation of individual data sets has implications for the privacy of individuals. This article discusses privacy issues arising from third party cookie use and connectivity of web activity and devices, using the technical process behind the Facebook Like button as an example.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Manual - Search Criminal Records Files USA for free

Created a new E-Book at 11-24-2010 about the criminal records search in the USA. I do a sample search and even provide the log in password. With that password you gain access to the clerk of courts files anywhere in the USA without any charges!